Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Monday, February 25, 2008

Pets And Depression...

First we have a country here people are on all sorts of drugs and medication to help get them through the day. This is not including the "self-medication" that we do to ourselves daily (i.e. coffee, sweets, cigarettes). Since it seems that the pharmaceutical companies are running out of people to drug up, they are now going after our pets. has the best headline: Suicidal Pets Given Anti-Depressants. People are giving Prozac to their animals now. The story talks mainly about birds, but the way I see it the pharmaceutical companies are trying to get more loving animals on these drugs since they have already flooded the human market. Some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies have also recognized the need for anti-depressants for animals or have do they see someplace else that they can make money. This can be seen in the first ever "weight loss" pill for your pudgy little pet.

In 2007, Pfizer was able to get the first doggie weight loss pill approved. The "miracle" drug is called Slentrol and it is supposed to be a fat blocker that prevents the absorption of fat in their bodies while working as an appetite suppressant to keep your dog from overeating. The Food And Drug Administration happily approves of Slentrol for use on family dogs nationwide.

The best part of the article is this: "Why are 40 percent of dogs in the U.S. overweight or obese? The answer is simple: Too much food and too little exercise," said Claudia Kirk, associate professor of medicine and nutrition at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Tennessee. "In today's hectic world, it's a challenge for many dog owners to find time to ensure their pets get adequate exercise." Lets take a look at the obesity levels in humans in the America. America is the fattest country and many people want that miracle pill to take care of not getting off their lazy asses and taking a walk. This would help their pets as well. Get the dog outside to get exercise and hey wait a minute, I'm getting exercise as well.

Why is it that we need cure all pill that is probably killing us. We are so lazy that we have to make a cure all pill for our pets. When pets are so depressed they are suicidal (how do we know) or so fat that we need a pill to help them lose weight? I think the best thing to do would be to get off our own asses and make their lives more enjoyable. Stop sitting in front of the TV or computer. Take yourself and your pets outside.

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