Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Monday, February 18, 2008

It's Started...

Yes it has finally started. We are in the stage of I want to read and re-read the same book - ALL THE TIME. This took hold maybe a week ago, but over the weekend we have seen a major increase. It's interesting that she has a favorite book for each one of us. For me, her favorite is "10 Little Ladybugs" by Melanie Gerth. This is the exciting story of 10 ladybugs being taken to some other part of the forest (I think). The story is too in depth for me to understand. The nice thing about this book is that Mikayla can feel the ladybugs - and number 4 is her favorite.

For Mark, she has picked an easier book, "Baby Faces". I think she did this because Mark has so much happening in his life, she knows that he needs some downtime, and this is it. She loves all the facial expressions that the babies have, but I think she really likes it when daddy makes the faces as well. Now we don't just read these books, there are others.

We have a few titles in the same line. They are the "Happy Baby" series. The great thing about these books is they use some of the same (or similar) pictures. This weekend Mikayla started to take note of that. She would be sitting on my lap and when we came to a picture that she has seen in another book, she would crawl off my lap and find that book. I would then open the book to the page with the picture and hold them up together. She was fascinated. This amazed me. I have a great fear that she is going to be a lot smarter than either Mark or myself.

God help us.

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