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Thursday, September 18, 2008

When Will Marshal Law Actually Start...

Mark sent this article to me this afternoon. It's from the Army Times. It's kinda of scary where our country is going. The article, "Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1", tells of how the 3rd Infantry’s 1st BCT is going to be redeployed here in America. Yes, that's right they are going to be here to "help people at home" and this may be a permanent part of the Army now. This may sound good, but lets look a little closer.
They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.
So at the end of Hurricane season, near the election, and after many years of disasters already, the government has decided that they are now there for the average person. I don't think so. If you think that when this happens we are able to fight back - think again. Below is a video from Prison Planet that tells about Concentration Camps for Americans. We should all be afraid.

Now of course people are saying that this cannot happen in America. Maybe, maybe not, but why don't we all unplug from the Television News that only wants to give you the stories that would play on Jerry Springer and do some research. Look at America since Bush took office and notice a change. Read other people's information. The information that is out there cannot be given to you in a two minute story surrounded by pharmaceutical ads. Unplug from the MSM and notice that we are in a world of hurt here that is only going to get worse.

To read more:
U.S. Concentration Camps: The Evidence
Rule By Fear or Rule By Law
U.S. Approves Use Of Military Against Citizens

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