Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Baby Number Two...

I have not mentioned anything about baby number two just yet because, well, nothing has happened. Although we are active, we are just waiting to hear from the adoption agency. This could take anywhere from now or three years. Yes, three years. This is why we started the process this early. We are actually hoping that the baby will come sometime next spring. This way Mark and I are done with school and we will have a better mindset to go into something like two wild kids.

So then why am I writing about the next child when nothing has happened? Well nothing has from the adoption agency, but from Mark it has. First a little history. Mark has a heightened sense when it comes to many things. I still remember very vividly the day we were driving downtown Orlando (when we used to live there) and out of nowhere he said "do you know how they can bring us down. They can fly planes into building just like those". He said this as if he was having a conversation in his head with someone else (he does that often). He was pointing to two or three of the taller buildings in Orlando. I looked at him with surprise. The day was September 8, 2001. I thought nothing of it and then...

Then in July of 2006 after we started the process to adopt for the first time, he told me one morning that he had a dream that we were going to adopt an African-American baby girl. The adoption would happen in either March or April. Then a few weeks later he came down after waking up and told me that he had a dream with our daughter's name in it. Her name, of course, would be Mikayla. Now Mark is not one for thinking of names, but this name sounded right. Now we told everyone, including our agency, about the dream. They were all very shocked when the dream came true. Now think about this as well. The dream happened in July and nine months later we have a little baby girl.

Now a couple of days ago Mark came downstairs and told me that he had a dream of our second child. This child was (if I remember right) going to have a white birth father and and African-American birth mother. He got the feeling that this next child is going to be a little calmer than Miss Mikayla and will be a boy. The difference her is that with Mikayla Mark felt that Mikayla's spirit was talking with him. With our son, he said that it felt like someone else was guiding him in his dream.

So, if we go on the same assumption that Mikayla graced our lives, we should have a new baby boy sometime in May or June. Although Mark feels that the baby had already been conceived and we will be graced sometime in April or May. Lets see what happens. Oh and if it is a boy his name will be Zachary (unless we come up with a different name - but I like it).

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