Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This Should End The Debate...

A study in Sweden has concluded that the brains of gay men are like that of heterosexual women and lesbians are like that of heterosexual men.

Scientists have noticed for some time that homosexual people of both sexes have differences in certain cognitive abilities, suggesting there may be subtle differences in their brain structure.

This is the first time, however, that scientists have used brain scanners to try to look for the source of those differences.

When these results were collected, it was found that lesbians and heterosexual men shared a particular "asymmetry" in their hemisphere size, while heterosexual women and gay men had no difference between the size of the different halves of their brain.

In other words, structurally, at least, the brains of gay men were more like heterosexual women, and gay women more like heterosexual men.

A further experiment found that in one particular area of the brain, the amygdala, there were other significant differences.

(BBC News)

Now of course this should put the debate to rest, but we all know that the Christian right does not believe in science. If "god" did not talk to one of their leaders (James Dobson, the Pope, Pat Robertson, or Bush - he talks directly to god), then no matter what scientist found would be true.

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