Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Talking More and More...

The little one is off and running with her speech. She is quickly learning the alphabet (not verbatim) but she does know A, B, D, F, H, I, J, M, O, P (and tell you what P sounds like), S, T, Z (but she thinks Z is YEEEEEAHHH!). If asked, she can point out almost each letter. I started to recite the alphabet and stopped at L and she followed up with M - without me helping her.

She now knows the difference (somewhat) between Yes and No and she says both very clearly. Colors are coming. We have a book, "Little Bear Counts His Favorite Things", where under number 8 are a set of crayons each a different color. She can point to the color you ask. She has only been able to do it with this book. She hasn't been able to point out all the colors outside this book. We are working on that though. While down at grandma, she had some crayons and she grabbed the color we asked for.

So the confusion that I have when teaching Mikayla new words and associating those words with the actual objects is interesting. The reason is what do we teach her. Is a cup a cup or glass or plastic or blue or round or clear. There are some many ways to describe something and I have noticed that Mark and I have told her a different description for the same object. Is this confusing her or is it helping to build her understanding of the world around her?

In the video below, Mikayla is outside playing with some sidewalk chalk that Grampa got for her when we went back to visit. While we were on vacation she learned how to do surprise, drama and blow a kiss. The drama is the best.

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