Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bette Midler, et. al...

In April Madonna created a youtube video promoting her single, “Four Minutes” from her album “Hard Candy”. In the video she is vacuuming the set of the video. She jokingly complains that she has to do all the cleanup work herself “as usual”.

Well in Diva fashion, Bette Midler has done a parody of the video to promote her new album “Jackpot: The Best Bette,” which will be released on September 23. In the video (which she is on the set of her new movie “The Women”) Bette plays it as her character in the movie. I have both videos below as well as the trailer for the Women 2008 and some classic lines from the 1939 version.

Now I have always thought that the best way to make this play (movie) a classic is to have a bunch of gay men or drag queens play the parts. Since that never came to be, having some of the top gay icons in the movie is fine with me. Yes I do have the 1939 movie and have seen it many many times. Don't Judge!

Madonna's Video:

Bette's Video:

The Women Trailer (2008):

The Women Trailer (1939):

The Women - One Liners (1939):

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