Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Copy Cat...

They grow up so fast...and it is driving me crazy. Mikayla is now imitating almost everything we do. She needs to take a piece of toilet paper and wipe her nose because Mark does this all the time. She wants to flush the toilet, while we are going mind you. She will usually sing with any song that is being played - although her singing is more like a scream, she can hold a note for a surprisingly long time.

But the worst thing that she is doing is coping us when we plug things in. Mark made her a nice necklace with keys hanging from it. She was carrying that around for a while and then she disappeared on me. I ran after her and found her in the kitchen with her key necklace trying to plug a key into the power outlet. Thank god we had it covered. The problem is that she knows how to unplug things as well. She has unplugged the vacuum while I was using it. So now we have to be much more aware of what she is doing and what we are doing.

They grow up too fast.

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