Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Monday, March 10, 2008


Unfortunately, the society in which we live promotes and encourages extreme excess, and, we eagerly attempt to keep up even to our own demise. Material “wealth” means more to our society than financial security. Bankruptcies and foreclosures are at an all-time high. The relaxation of our morals has led to an increase in the promotion of promiscuity over modesty. We constantly hear about the sexual misconduct of others. With society’s promotion of extreme material excess (Hummer’s, homes beyond our means, etc), public tolerance of sexual perversions and alcoholism (I think we’ve become accepting of the entry into rehab as a form of public apology, and forgotten the punishment part), and the inability of many of us to moderate our consumption of food we are all rapidly spiraling downward. These excesses certainly contribute to the injustices of society such as theft as an effort to neutralize the differences in material wealth, alcoholism and the way it adversely impacts others, sexual perversions with some of our most precious being victimized as well as our own inabilities to see our addiction to food as a health problem for an entire society.

I am trying to have my family understand that we don’t need all this excess. When asked what I want for Christmas, I tell my family to donate to a charity in my name (humane society, JDRF). I get the response, no really, what do you want? When I read all the problems that are facing America now, they all seem to follow the same premise – we, as Americans, have too much. But the people that have too much agree, but they still want more.

I live in a modest house that some would consider a “fixer-upper”, but it is home. I live in no more than 1800 sq feet of living space with my partner, my baby (with plans of another one), three dogs and one cat, but is it enough. I think so. I also think that it may be too much. I wanted the two-story house with four bedrooms and two and a half baths and acreage. Why is this important? It’s important because our society says this is what you need to be happy. Marketing also says to be the person everyone else is you need own more. For no other reason than America is the land of abundance.

Everyday I am bombarded with ways to make my teeth whiter, make myself skinnier, earn $12,000 (or more) a month by working at home, re-mortgage my house to pay off my credit card debt, but I am also pre-approved for this card or that. We are nothing but lemmings in the “Luxurious” world. Our society is set up for us to fail, but we continue to want more. After the attacks of 9/11, did Bush ask us to mourn, to grieve, to take time and remember that we are one in this terrible tragedy. No he asked everyone to go shopping. The gap between the rich and poor is growing more and more each day. Right now 40% of the world’s wealth is owned by only 1% of the population. We want what they have. We want to be rich. Excess is the American way of life and no matter how much I hate it, I am still a part of it.

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