Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Corporation...

A Company will use marketing to target the individual that their advertising will benefit. Advertising is what people see and triggers something that makes them eager to buy the product.

When I watched the movie “The Corporation” sometime ago, I remembered an interview with the vice president of Initiative Media, Lucy Hughes. “Initiative is a leading global media communications agency.” Lucy is the Co-Creator of “the Nag Factor”. This is a study done to see who will buy their kids products when the kids nag their parents. Lucy explains how I see how marketing works. Marketing is when “you can manipulate consumers into wanting and therefore buying your products.” Keyword: manipulate. With this “research”, this company has started to target our kids. They know that, “Kids are tomorrows adult consumers. Start talking with them now, build that relationship when younger and you get them as an adult”.

Companies are using physiologists to target certain groups of people with their products. Marketing sets down where to put advertising, who companies should aim their message at, and how to make the advertising appealing. With the help of marketing, companies, with a creative execution, place ads in certain types of media. Look at the Super Bowl. Companies spend Millions of dollars on a placement for their products.

Below is the first chapter of the film. You can watch the film in its entirety on Youtube.

This is from the makers of the documentary’s website:
“One day a whole lot of comments on the film The Corporation appeared in our online forum. It turned out they were from Mr. Urban’s Grade 8 class. Mr. Urban first saw the film while channel flicking on TV Ontario. “Urbs,” as he is known, thought he would bring it to his class and he worked it into his curriculum all year.”
Here is a short video of the kids they talked with:

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