Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Thursday, December 14, 2006


This is a little post for my “nuthead” neighbor, Jon, who just loves Jack Bauer (in a not-so-healthy way). Season 6 of the hit show “24” will be starting on January 14, 2007. It is a four hour, two night spectacular that only “24” could do. The Chinese release Jack Bauer, but he was traded secretly. What did the U.S. trade for Jack? Does this mean Jack is a free man? Doubtful. Terrorist are using suicide attacks on American soil, but to what end? The new president, Wayne Palmer, has been sworn in and has no idea how to handle these attacks. Charles and Martha Logan (Gregory Itzin and Jean Smart) will be back (rumored) – nothing really on their contribution to season 6.

Wayne Palmer is going to be helped by his sister, Sandra, who is an advocacy lawyer. While Jack is trying to save other’s lives, the most important life he must save this time around is his own. He is still suspected of killing a Chinese diplomat and the Chinese don’t forget to easy. While all this is going on, Jack still has to deal with his love interest, Audrey.

Below is the trailer for season 6 – enjoy Jon.

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