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Friday, October 31, 2008

He Who Must Not Be Named...

No this is not a clip from the new Harry Potter movie. This is actually one of McCain's spokesman, Michael Goldfarb, who is still trying to make a connection between Obama and anti-Semite people.

But CNN's Rick Sanchez calls Goldfarb out for the hypocrisy of hyping a sinister connection between Obama and a guy that McCain funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to, and from there, Goldfarb goes right off the rails, refusing to answer Sanchez's questions with anything other than intimations. Repeatedly asked to name a second anti-Semite that Obama allegedly "pals around with," Goldfarb does nothing but issue hollow, Page Six-style intimations.
You have to watch this video to see what a complete incompetent fool this person is. If he has another name, I would want to know about it, but what I see is someone who is acting lilke a third grader and complaining that someone took his cookie. What a sad day that people can make acusations and then sit there with a little smirk on their faces and someone (probably the people that hate blacks) will belive this little piece of shit.

Here is the video via Huffington Post:

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