Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Monday, January 22, 2007


Things have gotten out of hand here and I have not been able to post as often as I would have liked. We went to Michigan for Christmas and New Years. This was wonderful. Got to see my family and talk about the adoption with them. They all had questions that I was excited to answer. They all gave us wishes of good luck.

Then i got sick. I am blaming this on my nephew. He had the sniffles and decided that he wanted to share his little cold with me. I was doing fine with the cold until we started to head back home. Oh I forgot - seventeen hours to get to my family SEVENTEEN!!! So we decided to stay with some friends who live in Ohio and cut off at least five hours from our trip. When we got back home my body decided that it had had enough and my system just crashed. Major head cold that then went into my chest. This is when Mark loves me all the more because I cough and cough and cough. Nothing seems to help. We got home on Tuesday and I start to rest.

Like I said my body crashes and starts to take care of itself. I am starting to feel better and then Saturday morning comes and we head down to see Mark's mother. Another trip n the car (three hours this time) and a new place. The trip to his mother's gave us another story, which will be later. So I am feeling better at Mark's moms house and then on Sunday we head back home. When I get here I crash again, but I have school, laundry, the dogs and many other things that I didn't do.

Mark was wonderful. He took good care of me and this is how I know that he will make a great father. His concern has been for my health and he took on all the responsibilities. He made me dinner and cleaned up as well as making sure I ate healthy food. He made tea for me, which is a new interest for him (I will comment on this later).

Then we got a grinder. We feed our dogs raw food. I will talk about this later as well. The grinder weighs around 80lbs and I think I pulled something in my back. With all the sitting while driving for those many hours, I think my back decided that it needed a rest as well. So for almost three weeks I have had severe back pain. I was unable to sit in my seat at the computer for very long. I was only able to get school work done and then would have to lie down to relax my back. So not much time to keep this updated, until now.

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