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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fox News Actually Doing Its Job...

It just amazes me that the McCain Campaign (or any campaign) had such power over the press. If this was a true "free press" all this would have been out during the campaign. Why would the press (or the people on the campaigns not in power) have the need to deceive the American people. Oh Yeah - POWER!! Some of what is in the video is below, but you have to watch the whole thing. It will make you glad that Obama won. Just as a little note - a possible Vice President didn't know who was in NAFTA. It tells you right there in the name - North American Free Trade Agreement. My GOD! We side-stepped a bullet on this one.

Smith: Now that the election is over, Carl, tell us more about those reports of infighting between Palin and McCain staffers.

Cameron: I wish I could have told you more at the time but all of it was put off the record until after the election. There was great concern in the McCain campaign that Sarah Palin lack the degree of knowledgeability necessary to be a running mate, a vice president, and a heartbeat away from the presidency. We're told by folks that she didn't know what countries that were in NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, that being the Canada, the US, and Mexico. We're told she didn't understand that Africa was a continent rather than a country just in itself ... a whole host of questions that caused serious problems about her knowledgeability. She got very angry at staff, thought that she was mishandled.....was particularly angry about the way the Katie Couric interview went. She didn't accept preparation for that interview when the aides say that that was part of the problem. And that there were times that she was hard to control emotionally there's talk of temper tantrums at bad news clippings......

Notwithstanding that there is to be an avalanche that will continue for many days now we're told of story upon story of the foibles of Sarah Palin.

She actually "thought Africa was a country, not a continent." This led, among other things, to her asking how, in that case, South Africa could be a separate country.

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