Kusner, in “To Life”, explains that in the Jewish religion god gave us free will. He also states, “Sometimes bad things happen to good people because the laws of Nature can’t tell a good person from a bad one.” The problem with this statement is who determines what makes a person bad? He also makes it known that god does not choose for us. We have free will and “A person can freely choose to become dependant on drugs or alcohol” and god will not interfere. Author C. S. Lewis said that 80 percent of suffering comes from the moral evil of mankind. The other 20% is where people’s faith comes in to play.
To agree or disagree with Kusner’s views would mean that I would have to fully understand the meaning of life and who (or what) put us here. Is there a god and if so, why were the people centuries before us the only ones able to talk with him? I see the world as a beautiful and wondrous place with many evil and despicable people running it. I do believe that Kusner is correct when he says that people are the cause of evil. People have free will and free choice, but that is where it ends. People get to choose whether they are going to harem others, steal, and give money to help an organization, or commit suicide. They are the driving force of their own lives.
I have faith that I choose my fate in life. I believe that I am a good person (you may not) and have made wrong decisions of my choosing. I feel that if there were a god that was “all powerful” he would not let us destroy ourselves like we are. Why would you create something and then watch it destroy itself with such hatred? I believe what happens, happens for a reason. I do not believe that there is a god like the Christians, Jews, Catholics, or even the Muslims believe. I do believe that there is a higher power and for me to speculate what it is would make me as arrogant as the people who think they know all there is to know about their god.
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